Explore the Network#

Information about the network can be found at marbleclimate.com which maintains an up-to-date listing of all the nodes in the network and about the Marble project itself, such as its objective, organization and management.

The site also provides information about the main services available on the Marble platform:

Explore the nodes#

The Marble network is composed of interconnected nodes, each one running the same Marble node-management software called Birdhouse. This software allows the nodes to communicate with each other and share data and services across the network.

However, not every node is the same; different data is hosted on each node and each node may offer different computing services to its users.

To explore the various options available in each node, first select a node from the marbleclimate.com homepage. Your view might look like this:

Node Description Item

Then, you will be taken to the node information page which contains information about the node’s status on the network and lists the services currently available on that node, as shown in the image below.

Node Information

The “Services available” table contains a short description of each service and a documentation link for additional information on the service. Clicking the name of the service in the “Service” column will take you to the service’s endpoint on the selected node.


Note that not all services are open to the public, so you may have to log in before being able to access the service endpoint.